artist statement: uncertainty

Uncertainty (Waterloo, Ontario)

Uncertainty is a common feeling - known to us all. Myself, I have never handled uncertainty well, falling prey to the anxiety it causes more often than I would like. One such instance led to this series of photographs.

A number of things were up in the air. I could feel the anxiety rising. I had no control over these things. Their outcomes would definitely affect me, but how? … I grabbed a camera and went for a walk in the woods.

I was hoping for a chance to relax and perhaps create some new images, but the cloud of uncertainty continued to hang over me. It was everywhere. No matter how I tried I could not shake it. I sensed that even the trees could feel it. Wait … an opportunity! I took out my camera.

We live in uncertain times, inundated with personal, political, economic, climatic and numerous other issues over which we have little or no control. We need a release, somewhere else to put our anxiety, even if for just a short time. A creative outlet can really help. Photography is mine.

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